About LearnSmart 

McGraw-Hill ACTIVSim is an entirely web-based patient simulator that provides real-world cases and a variety of virtual patients. It gives extensive, individualized feedback, providing healthcare professionals and students with a realistic clinical experience.

Developed in cooperation with medical professionals, this advanced digital simulator creates a safe, non-threatening environment that fosters confidence in clinical skills and patient interactions.

ACTIVSim is set apart from other medical simulators by several unique attributes, including:

  • Web-based access - anytime, anywhere
  • Life-like simulated interaction with actual medical equipment
  • Digitally advanced graphics and sounds modeled after actual patient situations
  • Post-simulation debriefing, including self-evaluation

These features, part of the ACTIVSim medical experience, were created by McGraw-Hill through a powerful combination of sophisticated technology, expert medical consultation, and over 100 years of educational knowledge - a combination designed to foster development of best-in-class healthcare professionals focused on clinical accuracy and patient safety.

Powered by sophisticated technology. Brought to you by innovators.

At McGraw-Hill Higher Education, we share your passion to help students succeed academically and to prepare them for the world that awaits.

When creating ACTIVSim, we worked in partnership with Area9, a global leader in simulation and debriefing technologies. Area9 includes some of the most experienced software developers and instructional designers in the simulation industry.

Their technological expertise coupled with our extensive experience in education helped us to ensure that we created not only a powerful tool, but also an intuitive, insightful teaching system.

about learnsmart