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Section 3.4 The Domain and Range of Functions 199 51. Vivienne owns a wedding cake business. The price she charges per wedding cake when x cakes are scheduled to be made in a month is given by the equation p 5 700 2 50x. 52. Janelle sells gourmet praline cookies through the Internet. The price she charges per order depends on the dozens of cookies ordered. If x dozen cookies are ordered, the price of the order is p 5 150 2 6x. 53. The total cost of joining a gym for x months can be modeled by the equation C 5 75 1 40x. 54. The total cost of joining a professional organization for x years is C 5 75x. Mix ’Em Up! Find the domain and range of each function. 55. The average temperature in Stone Mountain, Georgia, is a function of the month. (Source: http://www Month Average Temperature January 2011 39°F February 2011 49°F March 2011 55°F April 2011 63°F 56. The average high temperature for Amarillo, Texas, is a function of the date. (Source: Date Average High Temperature September 4 85°F September 11 83°F September 18 81°F September 25 79°F 57. {(0, -2), (4, -3), (13, 44), (20, -3)}. 58. {(-4, 21), (-2, 13), (0, -14), (4, 21)}. 59. 60. 6 2 –6 –4 –2 x 2 4 –2 y 2 2 4 4 –2 –4 –2 –4 x y 61. 62. 6 2 2 4 4 6 8 –2 x y 2 2 4 4 6 8 –2 –4 x y Find the domain of each function. 63. h(x) = 13x - 7. 64. h(x) = 17x + 8. 65. g(x) = x + 4 66. g(x) = 1 2 x - 3 67. f (x) = x + 10 x - 19 68. f (x) = x - 8 x + 12 69. V(x) = x(8 - 2x)(14 - 2x) 8 – 2x 14 – 2x x 70. V(x) = 3(24 - 3x)(6 - x) 6 – x 24 – 3x 3 71. The cost that Boris pays for x months of lawn service is modeled by the equation C 5 125x. 72. Olivia regularly pays for manicures. When she makes x visits to the nail salon in a month, Olivia’s monthly manicure cost can be modeled by the equation C 5 15x. You Be the Teacher! Correct each student’s errors, if any. 73. Find the domain of f (x) = 4x - 1. Petra’s work: 4x 2 1 $ 0 4x $ 1 x $ 1 4 The domain is c 1 4 , ∞b . 74. Find the domain of f (x) = x + 2 x - 1 . Rob’s work: The domain is (-∞, -2) ∪ (-2, ∞).

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