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79) Find the velocity of a roller coaster car with a mass of 1200 kg and kinetic energy of 153,600 joules. 16 m/sec 80) Find the velocity of a boat with a mass of 25,000 kg and kinetic energy of 28,125 joules. 1.5 m/sec 78) The power, P (in watts), in an electrical system is given by P 2 R V , where V is the voltage, in volts, and R is the resistance, in ohms. Find the voltage if the power is 192 watts and the resistance is 3 ohms. 24 volts The kinetic energy K, in joules, of an object is given by K 1 2 mv2, where m is the mass of the object, in kg, and v is the velocity of the object in m/sec. Use this formula for Exercises 79 and 80. R1) Can equations that are solved using the square root property have two solutions that are exactly the same? Explain your thought process. R2) Think of other formulas you have used that could be solved for a specifi c variable using the square root property. Where could that be helpful? 10.2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square What are your objectives for Section 10.2? How can you accomplish each objective? 1 Complete the Square for an Expression of the Form x2 bx • Recall the defi nition of a perfect square trinomial, and refer back to Section 7.4 if needed. • Follow the explanation and write the steps for Completing the Square for x2 bx in your own words. • Complete the given examples on your own. • Complete You Try 1. 2 Solve an Equation of the Form ax2 bx c 0 by Completing the Square • Write the Steps for Solving a Quadratic Equation (ax2 bx c 0) by Completing the Square in your own words. • Complete the given examples on your own. • Complete You Trys 2 and 3. 612 CHAPTER 10 Quadratic Equations

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