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Example 2 Solution: Shaded portion: Unshaded portion: 3 pieces are not shaded. The triangle is divided into 16 equal pieces. 3 16 13 pieces are shaded. The triangle is divided into 16 equal pieces. 13 16 Section 2.1 Introduction to Fractions and Mixed Numbers 97 3 tomato plants 10 Figure 2-2 Writing Fractions Write a fraction for the shaded portion and a fraction for the unshaded portion of the figure. Writing Fractions Example 3 What portion of the group of doctors shown below is female? Solution: The group consists of 5 members. Therefore, the denominator is 5. There are 2 women being considered. Thus, of the group is female. 25 In Section 1.6 we learned that fractions represent division. For example, note that the fraction 51 5 1 5. In general, a fraction of the form n. This implies that any whole number can be written as a fraction by writing the whole number over 1. n1 Answers 4. Shaded portion: ; unshaded portion: 5. 35 5 8 3 8 For example, the garden in Figure 2-2 is divided into 10 equal parts. Three sections contain tomato plants. Therefore, 3 of the garden contains tomato plants. 10 Skill Practice 4. Write a fraction for the shaded portion and a fraction for the unshaded portion. Skill Practice 5. Refer to Example 3.What portion of the group of doctors is male?

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