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68 Chapter 1 Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable Mixed Exercises 51. The sum of two integers is 30.Ten times one integer is 5 times the other integer. Find the integers. (Hint: If one number is x, then the other number is 30 x.) Section 1.3 Applications to Geometry and Literal Equations 1. Applications Involving Geometry Some word problems involve the use of geometric formulas such as those listed in the inside back cover of this text. Solving an Application Involving Perimeter Example 1 The length of a rectangular corral is 2 ft more than 3 times the width.The corral is situated such that one of its shorter sides is adjacent to a barn and does not require fencing. If the total amount of fencing is 774 ft, find the dimensions of the corral. Concepts 1. Applications Involving Geometry 2. Literal Equations 52. The sum of two integers is 10.Three times one integer is 3 less than 8 times the other integer. Find the integers. (Hint: If one number is x, then the other number is 10 x.) 53. An older model of smart phone is marked down to $89.55 when newer technology comes on the market. If this is the new price after a 55% markdown, determine the original price. 54. A hardcover book is marked down to $15.60 once the book comes out in paperback. If this is the new price after a 35% markdown, determine the original price. 55. Two boats traveling the same direction leave a harbor at noon. After 3 hr they are 60 mi apart. If one boat travels twice as fast as the other, find the average rate of each boat. 56. Two canoes travel down a river, starting at 9:00. One canoe travels twice as fast as the other. After 3.5 hr, the canoes are 5.25 mi apart. Find the average rate of each canoe. 57. Ms. Riley deposited some money in an account paying 5% simple interest and twice that amount in an account paying 6% simple interest. If the total interest from the two accounts is $765 for 1 yr, how much was deposited into each account? 58. Sienna put some money in a certificate of deposit earning 4.2% simple interest. She deposited twice that amount in a money market account paying 4% simple interest. After 1 yr her total interest was $488. How much did Sienna deposit in her money market account? 59. Two different teas are mixed to make a blend that will be sold at a fair. Black tea sells for $2.20 per pound and green tea sells for $3.00 per pound. How much of each should be used to obtain 4 lb of a blend selling for $2.50? 60. A nut mixture consists of almonds and cashews. Almonds are $4.98 per pound, and cashews are $6.98 per pound. How many pounds of each type of nut should be mixed to produce 16 lb selling for $5.73 per pound? 61. After a recent crash of the housing market, the median price of a new home (including land) in the United States was $202,100.This represents a drop of 6% from the previous year.What was the median price the previous year? 62. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median weekly salary for an individual with a bachelor’s degree is $1026 per week.This represents an increase of 35% over the salary of an individual with an associate’s degree.What is the median weekly salary of an individual with an associate’s degree?

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