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110 Chapter 1 Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 0.1 0.1 0.1 7.9 8.0 8.1 Answer 12. ƒ t 12 ƒ 0.05 Absolute value expressions can also be used to describe boundaries for measurement error. Expressing Measurement Error with Absolute Value Example 8 Latoya measured a certain compound on a scale in the chemistry lab at school. She measured 8 g of the compound, but the scale is only accurate to g.Write an absolute value inequality to express an interval for the true mass, x, of the compound she measured. Solution: Because the scale is only accurate to 0.1 g, the true mass, x, of the compound may deviate by as much as 0.1 g above or below 8 g.This may be expressed as an absolute value inequality: 0x 8.0 0 0.1 or equivalently 7.9 x 8.1 Skill Practice 12. Vonzell molded a piece of metal in her machine shop. She measured the thickness at 12 mm. Her machine is accurate to 0.05 mm. Write an absolute value inequality to express an interval for the true measurement of the thickness, t, of the metal. Section 1.7 Practice Exercises Study Skills Exercise When you take a test, go through the test and do all the problems that you know first.Then go back and work on the problems that were more difficult. Give yourself a time limit for how much time you spend on each problem (maybe 3 to 5 min the first time through). Circle the importance of each statement. Not Somewhat Very important important important a. Read through the entire test first. 1 2 3 b. If time allows, go back and check 1 2 3 each problem. c. Write out all steps instead of doing 1 2 3 the work in your head. Vocabulary and Key Concepts 1. a. If a is a positive real number, then the inequality is equivalent to . 0x 0 6 a 6 x 6 b. If a is a positive real number, then the inequality is equivalent to or x a. c. The solution set to the inequality is , whereas the solution set to the inequality is . 0x 2 0 6 6 0x 4 0 4 0 0x 2 0 7 6 d. The solution set to the inequality (includes/excludes) , whereas the solution set to the inequality 0x 4 0 6 0 (includes/excludes) 4. 0x 0 7 a x 6 TIP: The symbol means “plus or minus.” The expression 0.1 is a short way of writing 0.1 or 0.1.

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