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124 Chapter 1 Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. ` 7x 3 5 ` 4x 5 2 ` 4 4 ` 3 3 03x 5 0 02x 1 0 08x 9 0 08x 1 0 02 7d 0 07d 2 0 75. Which absolute value expression represents the distance between 3 and on the number line? 003 2 3 0 122 0 Section 1.7 76. Write the compound inequality as an absolute value inequality. x 6 5 or x 7 5 77. Write the compound inequality as an absolute value inequality. For Exercises 78–79, write an absolute value inequality that represents the solution sets graphed here. 78. 79. ( ( 6 6 ( ( For Exercises 80–93, solve the absolute value inequalities. Graph the solution set and write the solution in interval notation. 80. 81. 82. 83. 0x 8 0 0x 6 0 3 8 2 07x 1 0 4 7 4 4 05x 1 0 3 7 3 05x 3 0 03x 4 0 3 6 64 84. 85. ` 2 ` 6 2 x 2 86. 87. 88. 04 2x 0 8 8 ` x 3 6 ` 6 5 23 23 4 6 x 6 4 2 04y 6 0 02y 3 0 13 57. The product of and the sum of a number and 3 1 is between and 5. Find all such numbers. 58. Normal levels of total cholesterol vary according to age. For adults between 25 and 40 yr old, the normal range is generally accepted to be between 140 and 225 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter), inclusive. a. Write an inequality representing the normal range for total cholesterol for adults between 25 and 40 yr old. b. Write a compound inequality representing abnormal ranges for total cholesterol for adults between 25 and 40 yr old. 59. Normal levels of total cholesterol vary according to age. For adults younger than 25 yr old, the normal range is generally accepted to be between 125 and 200 mg/dL, inclusive. a. Write an inequality representing the normal range for total cholesterol for adults younger than 25 yr old. b. Write a compound inequality representing abnormal ranges for total cholesterol for adults younger than 25 yr old. 60. One method to approximate your maximum heart rate is to subtract your age from 220.To maintain an aerobic workout, it is recommended that you sustain a heart rate of between 60% and 75% of your maximum heart rate. a. If the maximum heart rate h is given by the formula h 220 A, where A is a person’s age, find your own maximum heart rate. (Answers will vary.) b. Find the interval for your own heart rate that will sustain an aerobic workout. (Answers will vary.) Section 1.6 For Exercises 61–74, solve the absolute value equations. 61. 0x 0 10 62. 0x 0 17 05.25 5x 0 08.7 2x 0 7.45 6.1 63. 64. 5 0x 2 0 16 4 0x 2 0 9 65. 66. 67. 68. 03x 1 0 04x 1 0 7 3 6 4

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