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Section 1.1 Linear Equations in One Variable 49 Combine like terms. Simplify. The solution checks in the original equation. 2x 8 2x 2 8 2 x 4 546 The solution set is . Skill Practice Solve the equation. 7. 412t 22 6 t 61t 12 To isolate x, divide both sides by 2. Solving a Linear Equation Example 6 Solve the equation. Solution: 43y 31y 52 4 216 5y2 Clear parentheses. Combine like terms. Clear parentheses. Add 10y to both sides of the equation. Combine like terms. Add 60 to both sides of the equation. To isolate y, divide both sides by 18. The solution checks. 43y 31y 52 4 216 5y2 43y 3y 154 12 10y 432y 154 12 10y 8y 60 12 10y 8y 10y 60 12 10y 10y 18y 60 12 18y 60 60 12 60 18y 72 18y 18 72 18 y 4 546 The solution set is . Skill Practice Solve the equation. 8. 33p 21p 22 4 41p 32 3. Clearing Fractions and Decimals When an equation contains fractions or decimals, it is sometimes helpful to clear the fractions and decimals. This is accomplished by multiplying both sides of the equation by the least common denominator (LCD) of all terms within the equation. This is demonstrated in Example 7. Answers 7. e 8. 506 8 3 f

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