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4.2 Rectangles, Squares, Parallelograms, and Trapezoids What are your objectives for Section 4.2? How can you accomplish each objective? 1 Find the Perimeter and Area of a Rectangle • Write the defi nition of a rectangle in your own words, draw an example, and note its main characteristics. • Write the formula for determining the Perimeter of a Rectangle in your notes. • Write the formula for determining the Area of a Rectangle in your notes. • Complete the given examples on your own. • Complete You Trys 1–3. 2 Find the Perimeter and Area of a Square • Write the defi nition of a square in your own words, draw an example, and note its main characteristics. • Write the formula for determining the Perimeter of a Square in your notes. • Write the formula for determining the Area of a Square in your notes. • Complete the given example on your own. • Complete You Try 4. 3 Find the Perimeter and Area of a Parallelogram • Write the defi nition of a parallelogram in your own words, draw an example, and note its main characteristics. • Know how to fi nd the perimeter of a parallelogram. • Write the formula for determining the Area of a Parallelogram in your notes. • Complete the given example on your own. • Complete You Try 5. 4 Find the Perimeter and Area of a Trapezoid • Write the defi nition of a trapezoid in your own words, draw an example, and note its main characteristics. • Know how to fi nd the perimeter of a trapezoid. • Write the formula for determining the Area of a Trapezoid in your notes. • Complete the given example on your own. • Complete You Try 6. 5 Find the Perimeter and Area of an Irregular Figure • After following the example, write your procedure for fi nding the perimeter and area of an irregular fi gure. • Complete the given example on your own. • Complete You Try 7. Read the explanations, follow the examples, take notes, and complete the You Trys. SECTION 4.2 Rectangles, Squares, Parallelograms, and Trapezoids 293

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