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22 Chapter 1 Whole Numbers Section 1.3 Subtraction of Whole Numbers 1. Introduction to Subtraction Jeremy bought a case of 12 sodas, and on a hot afternoon he drank 3 of the sodas. We can use the operation of subtraction to find the number of sodas remaining. The symbol “ ” between two numbers is a subtraction sign, and the result of a subtraction is called the difference. The number being subtracted (in this case, 3) is called the subtrahend. The number 12 from which 3 is subtracted is called the minuend. is read as “12 minus 3 is equal to 9” 12 3 9 minuend subtrahend difference Subtraction is the inverse operation of addition. To find the number of sodas that remain after Jeremy takes 3 sodas away from 12 sodas, we ask the question: “3 added to what number equals 12?” That is, is equivalent to Subtraction can also be visualized on the number line. To evaluate 7 4, start from the point on the number line corresponding to the minuend (7 in this case). Then move to the left 4 units. The resulting position on the number line is the difference. 12 3 ? ? 3 12 12 sodas 3 sodas 9 sodas Move 4 units left. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Start here. The difference is 3. To check the result, we can use addition. 7 4 3 because 3 4 7 Concepts 1. Introduction to Subtraction 2. Subtraction of Whole Numbers 3. Translations and Applications Involving Subtraction

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