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Group Activity Answers 1) Answers may vary. 2) y 9.64; for every 100 million miles driven by 20-year-olds, there are approximately 10 fatal accidents. 3) y 12.115; for every 100 million miles driven by 75-year-olds, there are approximately 12 fatal accidents. 4) Answers may vary. 5) y 1.44; for every 100 million miles driven by 40-year-olds, there is approximately 1 fatal accident. 6) Answers may vary. 7) The age group with the fewest fatal accidents is 46-year-olds. 8) Answers may vary. 9) y 24.787; this does not make sense because 3-year-olds do not drive. em me What’s Your Memory Style? Most people have a favorite memory style—a way we learn information that makes it easiest for us to remember. What’s your favorite memory style? Do you most easily remember sounds, sights, or the way things feel? Read the statements below, and circle the response choice in the right column that most closely describes your habits. Choose a statement next to V, A, or K. To help recall lectures, I . . . V. read the notes I took during class. A. close my eyes and try to hear what the instructor said. K. try to place myself back in the lecture room and feel what was going on at the time. To remember a complex procedure, I . . . V. write down the steps I have to follow. A. listen carefully and repeatedly to the instructions. K. do it over and over again. To learn sentences in a foreign language, I do best if I . . . V. read them on paper to see how they’re written. A. hear them in my head until I can say them aloud. K. see someone speaking them and then practice moving my mouth and hands the way the speaker did. If I have to learn a dance move . . . V. I like to see a diagram of the steps before trying it. A. I like someone to coach me through it while I try it. K. I like to watch it once and then give it a try. When I recall a very happy moment, I tend to . . . V. visualize it in my head. A. hear the sounds that I heard when experiencing it. K. feel with my hands and body what I felt at the time. When I have to remember driving directions, I usually . . . V. see a map of the route in my mind. A. repeat the directions aloud to myself. K. feel my hands steering and the car driving along the correct route. 802 CHAPTER 10 The Rules of Exponents and Polynomials

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