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Interpret your responses: If you chose mostly V’s, your main memory style is visual; your preference is to remember things in terms of the way they appear. You should use diagrams and other visuals to help your memorization. If you chose mostly A’s, your main memory style is auditory; your preference is to recall material in terms of sound. Read your textbook and notes aloud as you study, or try to invent a song with lyrics that include class material. If you chose mostly K’s, your main memory style is kinesthetic; your preference is to remember using your sense of touch. Use your fi nger to trace numbers and equations as you read your book. Keep in mind that this questionnaire only gives a rough idea of how we usually use our memories. The fact is that all of us use all of the memory styles during the course of each day. Knowing your favorite memory style, though, will give you an edge when you try to memorize new material. CHAPTER 10 emPOWERme 803

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