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xxii Preface in world markets for both consumer and business services. Additionally, the discussion on the development of global offerings stresses the importance of approaching the adap-tation issue from the viewpoint of building a standardized product∕service platform that can be adapted to reflect cultural differences. The competitive importance in today’s global market of quality, innovation, and technology as the keys to marketing success is explored. Chapter 15 takes the reader through the distribution process, from home country to the consumer in the target country market. The structural impediments to market entry imposed by a country’s distribution system are examined in the framework of a detailed presentation of the Japanese distribution system. Additionally, the rapid changes in channel structure that are occurring in Japan, as well as in other countries, and the emergence of the World Wide Web as a distribution channel are presented. Chapter 16 covers advertising and addresses the promotional element of the interna-tional marketing mix. Included in the discussion of global market segmentation are recog-nition of the rapid growth of market segments across country markets and the importance of market segmentation as a strategic competitive tool in creating an effective promotional message. Chapter 17 discusses personal selling and sales management and the critical nature of training, evaluating, and controlling sales representatives. Price escalation and ways it can be lessened, countertrade practices, and price strategies to employ when the dollar is strong or weak relative to foreign currencies are concepts presented in Chapter 18. In Part 5, Chapter 19 is a thorough presentation of negotiating with customers, partners, and regulators. The discussion stresses the varying negotiation styles found among cultures and the importance of recognizing these differences at the negotiation table. Pedagogical Features of the Text  The text portion of the book provides thorough coverage of its subject, with a subject emphasis on the planning and strategic problems confronting com-panies that market across cultural boundaries. The use of the Internet as a tool of international marketing is stressed throughout the text. On all occasions in which data used in the text originated from an Internet source, the web address is given. Problems that require the student to access the Internet are included with end-of-chapter questions. Internet-related problems are designed to familiarize the student with the power of the Internet in his or her research, to illustrate data available on the Internet, and to challenge the reader to solve problems using the Internet. Many of the examples, illustrations, and exhibits found in the text can be explored in more detail by accessing the web addresses that are included. Current, pithy, sometimes humorous, and always relevant examples are used to stimu-late interest and increase understanding of the ideas, concepts, and strategies presented in emphasizing the importance of understanding cultural uniqueness and relevant business practices and strategies. Each chapter is introduced with a Global Perspective, a real-life example of company experi-ences that illustrates salient issues discussed in the chapter. Companies featured in the Global Perspectives range from exporters to global enterprises. The boxed Crossing Borders, an innovation of the first edition of International Market-ing, have always been popular with students. They reflect contemporary issues in interna-tional marketing and can be used to illustrate real-life situations and as the basis for class discussion. They are selected to be unique, humorous, and of general interest to the reader. The book is presented in full color, allowing maps to depict geographical, cultural, and political boundaries and features more easily. Color also allows us to better communicate the intricacies of international symbols and meanings in marketing communications. New

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